Build Wisely, Build Rightly, Build Together

Every disciple is a builder. Whether we realize it or not, we are constructing something with our lives—our faith, our ministries, our relationships, and our church community. The challenge is to build wisely, rightly, and together. But how do we actually live this out? Here are some practical ways to apply these truths in our daily lives and as a church family.

1. Build Wisely – Stay Rooted in Christ Alone
Paul makes it clear: there is only one foundation—Jesus Christ. Yet, as individuals and as a church, we can easily shift our trust to other things.

Application Questions:
Is my faith truly built on Jesus, or am I relying on personal achievements, relationships, or even my favorite Christian leaders?
As a church, are we prioritizing Christ in our teaching, worship, and mission, or are we distracted by trends, traditions, or personalities?

Practical Challenge:
•Set aside intentional time daily for Scripture and prayer, reminding yourself that Jesus—not success, reputation, or comfort—is your foundation.

2. Build Rightly – Invest in What Lasts
Paul warns that what we build will be tested. Some things will last, and others will be burned away. This should make us consider what we are investing in.

Application Questions:
Am I spending time on things that have eternal significance, or am I distracted by temporary pursuits?
Are our church efforts focused on building disciples, or are we caught up in numbers, appearances, and popularity?

Practical Challenge:
•Identify one area where you can shift your time and energy toward something of eternal value—mentoring a younger believer, serving the church, or deepening your prayer life.

3. Build Together – Honor and Protect the Church
Paul describes the church as God’s temple—a sacred, holy place. How we treat one another and the church matters deeply.

Application Questions:
Am I contributing to the unity and health of the church, or am I fostering division and negativity?
Do I honor my fellow believers as God’s dwelling place, or do I take my church community for granted?

Practical Challenge:
•Be intentional about speaking encouragement, seeking reconciliation where needed, and serving others.

Moving Forward
This week, take time to reflect: What are you building? Let’s commit to building wisely, rightly, and together—on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. When we do, we can trust that our labor in the Lord is never in vain.




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