Focus on Him

Just a few days ago we continued with our study on 1 Corinthians by looking at Ch. 3:1-9. Let us look at some of the application and review components together:

 Three categories of men:
The natural man doesn’t understand God or His ways. God is not revealed to the natural man. Concepts such as salvation, the cross, the resurrection, righteousness and salvation make no sense to him. The Bible is a foolish document to this person.

---Is this you? (Pray that God will open your mind and reveal Himself to you)

The immature man is still on the milk of doctrine. The milk is easy to digest and access-the ABCs of the faith if you will. Solid food requires chewing, selection, cultivation, and energy exerted. The immature man can only handle a select amount of information. Jealousy, strife, comparison, competition, and coveting are evident in their relationships with one other.  They rely on and associate themselves more with a human leader vs. a dependence on the Lord.

---Is this you? (Seek the meat, develop your faith, search out what is best for others)

The spiritual man has the mind of Christ. This person has the ability through the maturity of the Spirit and wisdom of the Word to examine, judge, and help others grow. This type of person can accurately assess spiritual maturity and teach doctrine to correct behaviors of those they serve.
---Is this you? (Accept the responsibility of serving God’s people, be an example)

 The tension of leadership
You are gifted, unique and no one can do what you can do; yet you are just a servant of the Lord. Embrace, rejoice, and praise God for what He has given you. Reject self-loathing and comparison and work hard at the gifts you have been given. Be someone who resists competition and focuses on collaboration.

The God behind it all
He is ultimately the focus of your faith, not a man. Focus on building your relationship with Him by seeking His thoughts and His words. Co-labor beside Him, work with Him, and witness what He is doing. The work belongs to the Lord.




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