This Week's Schedule and Announcements

9:00am   FBCK Worship Service
10:15am  FBCK Sunday School
11:15am    FBCK Worship Service
4:45pm Choir Practice
6:15pm   Adult Bible Study
6:15pm  Garage Student Ministry
6:15pm AWANA

5:15PM    Fellowship Dinner
6:15PM   Small Groups

February 19: Beef or chicken fajitas, salad bar & dessert
February 26: Chili Cook-Off

February 23: Duct Tape Night
March 2: Longest Line Night

This Week’s Sermon
 1 Corinthians 2:1-16

There will be baptisms on February 23. Please contact a staff member if you would like to be baptized.

Garage Spaghetti Dinners
The Garage will host a Spaghetti Dinner on February 23. All proceeds will go toward funding the Honduras Mission Trip and Church Camp. Dinners begin after Sunday School hour.

Men’s Chili Cook-Off & Ladies Dessert Bake-Off
Our Annual Chili & Dessert Contest will be on Wed., Feb. 26. Contact Len Picha for more information.

Volunteers Needed
Our Wednesday night meal team could use an extra set of hands every week! If you’re available from 4:30–5:30 PM, come be a part of serving our church family and community. You can serve once per month and make a big impact! Interested? Email Jeramie at to sign up.