Obedience Doesn't Equal an Easy Life

I believe that oftentimes, we obey God because of the promise of an easier life if we do. And for the most part, we do live easier lives when we do what our Father wants us to. If we tell the truth always, we don’t have to worry about covering up a trail of lies. If we squash hatred in our heart before it spreads, there will be more general satisfaction in life. If we honor the Sabbath and rest, we will feel fresh and recharged.

Sometimes, though, obeying God comes with consequences that make life more difficult. One example that we discussed this week was that of Joseph. When he didn’t take advantage of Potiphar’s wife’s lust, and chose to flee, his life became much more difficult, as he was imprisoned for a crime that he did not commit. In our modern lives, there are some consequences to obeying God that make our lives more challenging. Your reputation might take a hit at work because you talk about your faith. People might exclude you at school because you refuse to talk like they do. Other parents might be critical of you because of how you raise your kids to fear The Lord.

I think situations like that show us something important about ourselves. When we face a situation where obeying God costs us something, it lets us know who our God really is. If you only obey God for the blessings He will give you, then you don’t love God, you love His things. Obedience that costs us something reveals to us how much Jesus means to us. For Joseph, his obedience to God revealed that The Lord was his greatest treasure. Is Jesus your greatest treasure? Are you willing to pay whatever the cost to obey Him, like some of our brothers and sisters across the globe who have given their lives for Him? I pray that all of us would obey God not for what He can give us, but because we love Him as the King of our hearts.