Following Jesus' Model for Prayer
In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray through giving them a template for healthy prayer. This part of the Sermon on the Mount gives us a guide not just for what to pray for, but how to connect our hearts with God’s will.
Adoption and Adoration
Jesus starts the prayer with, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9). This reminds us that we are part of God’s family and can call Him Father. We recognize our close relationship with Him and praise Him for His holiness and greatness. In our prayers, let's remember to take time to reflect on and honor God for His amazing qualities and for making us His children.
Aligning Our Goals with God’s Will
Next, Jesus says to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). This shifts our focus from what we want to what God wants. Growing as disciples means wanting what God wants, asking for His kingdom to grow and His plans to be done. This means praying for our own obedience, for more people to know about Jesus, and for Jesus to return.
Daily Trust in the Father’s Provision
When Jesus says, “Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11), He shows us to trust God for our everyday needs. In a world that values being self-sufficient, this prayer reminds us that God is the one who provides for us.
Asking for and Granting Forgiveness
Forgiveness is an important part of praying. Jesus tells us to pray, “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). This means we need to admit when we’ve done wrong and trust that God forgives us. It also reminds us to forgive others just like God forgives us.
Asking for Protection
The prayer ends with, “And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13). We ask God to help us avoid situations where we might do wrong and to protect us from our own sinfulness, the evil of the world around us, and Satan himself.
Jesus’ prayer is a powerful example for us. It reminds us of our relationship with God, helps us align our desires with His, teaches us to rely on Him for our needs, and encourages us to forgive and seek His protection. As we learn to pray better, may our prayers reflect God’s heart and priorities, bringing glory to Him and advancing His kingdom on earth.
Adoption and Adoration
Jesus starts the prayer with, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9). This reminds us that we are part of God’s family and can call Him Father. We recognize our close relationship with Him and praise Him for His holiness and greatness. In our prayers, let's remember to take time to reflect on and honor God for His amazing qualities and for making us His children.
Aligning Our Goals with God’s Will
Next, Jesus says to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). This shifts our focus from what we want to what God wants. Growing as disciples means wanting what God wants, asking for His kingdom to grow and His plans to be done. This means praying for our own obedience, for more people to know about Jesus, and for Jesus to return.
Daily Trust in the Father’s Provision
When Jesus says, “Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11), He shows us to trust God for our everyday needs. In a world that values being self-sufficient, this prayer reminds us that God is the one who provides for us.
Asking for and Granting Forgiveness
Forgiveness is an important part of praying. Jesus tells us to pray, “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). This means we need to admit when we’ve done wrong and trust that God forgives us. It also reminds us to forgive others just like God forgives us.
Asking for Protection
The prayer ends with, “And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13). We ask God to help us avoid situations where we might do wrong and to protect us from our own sinfulness, the evil of the world around us, and Satan himself.
Jesus’ prayer is a powerful example for us. It reminds us of our relationship with God, helps us align our desires with His, teaches us to rely on Him for our needs, and encourages us to forgive and seek His protection. As we learn to pray better, may our prayers reflect God’s heart and priorities, bringing glory to Him and advancing His kingdom on earth.
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