Sheperding the Flock
As we continue praying for a new worship leader and work toward raising up our next group of shepherds, I want to share with you an important aspect of church leadership that is both vital and often misunderstood: the Biblical qualifications for elders. We generally refer to the Biblical office of elder as ‘shepherd’ here at FBC because we believe that term best describes what elders do. The terms elder, overseer, shepherd, and pastor all describe the same role—biblically speaking.
As we seek to raise up godly men to lead our church for generations to come, it's crucial to understand that these qualifications are rooted in character, not competency.
In 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, the Apostle Paul outlines the qualifications for shepherds. At first glance, you might expect a list emphasizing skills and abilities, such as strategic thinking, management expertise, or public speaking prowess. However, what we find instead is a profound focus on the character and moral integrity of those who aspire to this noble task.
These passages highlight virtues such as being above reproach, self-controlled, gentle, and hospitable. They underscore the importance of a godly character that reflects Christlikeness. The ability to teach, mentioned in both lists, is the only skill-based qualification, and even this is deeply intertwined with the man’s character and understanding of Scripture.
Why does the Bible emphasize character over competency? The answer lies in the nature of spiritual leadership. Elders are called to shepherd God's flock, and this requires a heart that mirrors the heart of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Competency in various tasks can be developed and honed over time, but character is a reflection of one's relationship with God and the work of the Holy Spirit within.
As a church, we are all entrusted with the responsibility of nurturing and raising up leaders who will guide us with integrity and faithfulness. This begins with prayer. Join me in continually praying for men who are above reproach, self-controlled, gentle, and hospitable. Pray for men who love what is good and are disciplined in their walk with God.
Our church has been served well by Godly men in leadership over the course of our history. Praise God for that! Our collective prayers and support in the days ahead can help cultivate an environment where godly leadership will continue to thrive, ensuring that our church remains steadfast and faithful for generations to come.
Let’s commit to praying earnestly for the raising up of godly men who will lead with Christ-like character. Together, we can trust that God will provide faithful shepherds for His flock, now and in the future.
--Pastor Chris
As we seek to raise up godly men to lead our church for generations to come, it's crucial to understand that these qualifications are rooted in character, not competency.
In 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, the Apostle Paul outlines the qualifications for shepherds. At first glance, you might expect a list emphasizing skills and abilities, such as strategic thinking, management expertise, or public speaking prowess. However, what we find instead is a profound focus on the character and moral integrity of those who aspire to this noble task.
These passages highlight virtues such as being above reproach, self-controlled, gentle, and hospitable. They underscore the importance of a godly character that reflects Christlikeness. The ability to teach, mentioned in both lists, is the only skill-based qualification, and even this is deeply intertwined with the man’s character and understanding of Scripture.
Why does the Bible emphasize character over competency? The answer lies in the nature of spiritual leadership. Elders are called to shepherd God's flock, and this requires a heart that mirrors the heart of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Competency in various tasks can be developed and honed over time, but character is a reflection of one's relationship with God and the work of the Holy Spirit within.
As a church, we are all entrusted with the responsibility of nurturing and raising up leaders who will guide us with integrity and faithfulness. This begins with prayer. Join me in continually praying for men who are above reproach, self-controlled, gentle, and hospitable. Pray for men who love what is good and are disciplined in their walk with God.
Our church has been served well by Godly men in leadership over the course of our history. Praise God for that! Our collective prayers and support in the days ahead can help cultivate an environment where godly leadership will continue to thrive, ensuring that our church remains steadfast and faithful for generations to come.
Let’s commit to praying earnestly for the raising up of godly men who will lead with Christ-like character. Together, we can trust that God will provide faithful shepherds for His flock, now and in the future.
--Pastor Chris
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